What Causes Hair Fall

We all want lush voluminous hair that is the envy of everyone. But unfortunately, some of us have to put up with thinning hair and picking up loose strands after a shampoo or in our hairbrush. What’s the deal with hair fall? Many reasons come into play making it quite a challenge to narrow down what exactly is causing your hair to become thinner. One thing that’s for sure? According to a Dove study on the problem, 78% of hair fall happens at the roots. So whatever is causing your hair to fall is “attacking” your roots!

Here’s a look at what some say causes hair to fall. Find out if these reasons are for real… or just myths!

1. Wearing a hat all the time
Unless your hair is on so tight 24-7, there’s no reason why going out in your favorite accessory can lead to excessive hair fall. Heard that wearing a hat cuts off air circulation to the scalp, preventing it from breathing? Not true – your hair follicles get the required oxygen from the bloodstream, delivering what’s necessary straight to the roots. So whether you cover or not with a hat, it makes no difference. One thing that can cause hair fall while wearing a hat? Putting on one that is dirty, leading to scalp infection which in turn accelerates hair fall.

2. Using too much hair products
Seeing how hair isn’t alive (once hair is at the skin’s surface, the cells within aren’t alive, which is why you don’t scream when someone cuts your hair with scissors!), what you put on it won’t exactly cause it to fall. So shampoo, conditioner, hairspray or hair wax isn’t the reason why you’re losing hair. What’s causing hair to fall is actually hair breakage that results from damaged hair. And applying too much chemicals (from hair dyes and relaxers) will cause hair to become fragile and break off. Damaging your hair follicles at its roots from rough handling and inexperience use of chemicals will affect your hair growth.

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3. Clogged pores
Let’s get this straight – the only thing that can result from clogged pores is acne. Besides, if clogged pores cause hair fall, you’ll just need to shampoo vigorously for clean pores, right? How clogged pores can indirectly cause hair fall is the infection that may result. When your scalp is infected, it irritates your hair root, damaging hair follicles.

4. Plagued by stress
One of the few hair fall causes that are true! Stress is indirectly related to how our body functions and reacts. Stressful events – whether it is an illness or financial worries – can create havoc to hair production. This disrupts hair growth and the proper delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your hair roots. There’s a reason for the saying “losing your hair over something”! But take note – we’re not talking about your everyday, short-term stress. This won’t affect your body in such a way that your hair falls out. We’re talking about stress that causes you to lose sleep, change your appetite, or raise the level of stress hormones.

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5. Pregnancy
There are both truth and false to this reason. Pregnancy doesn’t cause you to lose hair. Here’s a quick biology fact: Approximately 90% of your hair is growing at any one time while 10% is at a resting phase. Every two to three months, the resting hair falls out for new hair to grow in its place. During pregnancy, an increased number of hair go into the resting phase and stay that way, thanks to your high levels of hormones. However, after childbirth, when hormone levels return to normal (namely your estrogen level), you may experience some hair fall as hair return to its normal cycle. The hair fall you experience after pregnancy is essentially the normal hair loss you would have experienced if you weren’t pregnant.

Also read: How To Keep Your Post-Treated Hair Healthy