Are couples workouts the next fitness trend?

Just in time for Valentine's Day, US gyms are offering up couples workouts, from sweat-drenched couples cycling classes to Crossfit to partner yoga.

At the epicenter of the trend is New York City, where blogger Well + Good NYC cites that couples fitness may be the next big thing beyond February 14. More boutique fitness centers are offering year-round couples sweat sessions, and a new fitness program called NYC Agape, designed exclusively for couples, just launched. Watch:

Last November the New York Times also cited that couple workouts were gaining momentum, with popular studios SoulCycle, Barry's Bootcamp, and Pure Yoga attracting couples. Some diehard couples have even become engaged during SoulCycle and Barry's Bootcamp classes.

What's more, an added benefit of shaping up with your sweetie is that it could give both your body and sex life a boost. "Exercise gets your blood pumping and endorphins flowing, working as a natural aphrodisiac," Laura Berman, Ph.D., a sex therapist and the author of "The Passion Prescription" told Self. "Sweating in tandem heightens arousal and intimacy."

Plus a study from Indiana University at Bloomington notes that couples who work out together, stick with their workouts.
