Couples who travel together have better sex: survey

Couples who travel together, stay together.

That’s the conclusion of a survey commissioned by the US Travel Association in advance of Valentine's Day, which found that couples who travel together alone -- sans kids -- reported higher satisfaction in their relationships.

In a telephone poll of 1,100 adults, 83 percent of respondents who said they travel together as a couple also reported that the romance is alive and kicking in their relationship.

More than three-quarters of respondents who travel as a couple also reported having a good sex life. For couples who don’t travel together, that figure dipped to 63 percent.

While these results may be true on paper, traveling as a couple has also been viewed as the ultimate test of a relationship -- particularly the maiden voyage.

Psychologist and relationship expert Shauna Springer, for instance, pleads that traveling solo and taking a break for yourself can also be good for your relationship, increasing marital satisfaction in an article published in Psychology Today.

Meanwhile, offers tips on how to survive intact a vacation with your significant other such as planning a holiday that's in direct proportion to the time you’ve been together as a couple. For instance, only been together a month or two? Don’t get too ambitious and avoid getaways that are any longer than a weekend jaunt.

Other tips include keeping a sense of humor, planning together, and spending time apart during the trip.

Travel experts at Budget Travel also suggest avoiding jam-packed itineraries which can be stressful, and likewise going solo and regrouping afterwards to share your experiences together.

Slideshow: 7 surprising secrets happy couples know

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