Benefits Of Drinking Tea

Since ancient times, tea has been a popular choice for its health remedies. From curing headaches to being extremely high in antioxidants, it’s no wonder why doctors recommend a cup a day! Still not taking your daily tea doses? Read on to find out what benefits tea brings and you’ll soon be brewing a pot.

Oral hygiene

Drink a cup of tea and your breath will be fresh! All thanks to the small amount of natural fluoride that is found in tea leaves, which helps to prevent tooth decay by repairing signs of early stages decay and prevent the production of acid by-products responsible for cavities. Pick black tea for this benefit. Filled with a powerful antioxidant known as polyphenol, it can also stop the production of plaque and inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

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Lose weight

Another benefit of black tea? It helps stop belly fat before it even starts! With its polysaccharide content, black tea inhibits the production of glucose. Meanwhile, green tea contains an antioxidant known as catechins, which stimulate the body to burn calories and decrease body fat.

Not convinced? Perhaps this will: A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that participants who consumed green tea and exercised regularly lost more weight around their abdominal area. Another tea to sip? Oolong tea as it boosts metabolism up to two hours after drinking it. Oolong also contains polyphenols that block fat-building enzymes.

Keep cancer at bay
Again, polyphenols to the rescue! Research shows that polyphenols may be linked to cancer prevention, particularly that of green tea. A study found that men who drank three cups of green tea daily prevented prostate cancer despite the presence of pre-cancerous cells. As vouched by Mitchell Gaynor, MD, Director of Medical Oncology at the Strong Cancer Prevention Center in New York City and co-author of Dr. Gaynor’s Cancer Prevention Program: “Tea is one of the single best cancer fighters you can put in your body.”

Also read: Healthy Eats Around The Metro

Healthy heart
A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who drank one to two cups of tea a day had more than a 50 percent reduction rate in the hardening of arteries. Research also shows that tea cuts the risk of stroke by as much as 60 percent! Cholesterol gets a beating from tea as well. Researchers at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center revealed that bad cholesterol (LDL) dropped 10 percent among people who drank tea regularly. Not bad for this tiny cup of wonder.

Keeps you beautiful!

If you’re worried about ageing signs creeping up on your skin, chill and have yourself a cup of tea. Because research shows that Oolong tea can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and other aging signs. Which is why Asian women are always sipping tea: To keep their skin youthful!

Alert and focus

Even the brain benefits from a cup of tea. And yes, all because of polyphenols, particularly in green tea. This can help prevent neurotransmitters involved in brain function from degrading. In fact, if you drink a cup or two a day, you’re giving your brain a boost in memory and focus!

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